Michigan Woman Wins on “Jeopardy” and Lansing Gets a Shout-out
Elizabeth Goss, who lives near the zoo in Detroit and is a mom of six, won on Jeopardy, Friday night. As a bonus, early in the show, one question was about Michigan's capital being moved from Detroit to Lansing in 1847. (Elizabeth was too slow on the buzzer for that one). According to MLive.com, Elizabeth eventually won, even though she didn't have the answer to the Final Jeopardy question - which was:
"On October 27,1881 this town's local newspaper reported on 'a day when blood flowed as water.'"
One guy came up blank and Elizabeth and the other guy answered, "Dodge City". Of course, the answer is, "What is Tombstone, Arizona, Alex".
I didn't see the show, but I'm sure Alex acted surprised when nobody knew the answer (except for himself). The good news is that Elizabeth will be back tonight on Jeopardy, to try to rack up win #2.
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