WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.

Wish I could give you a better idea of where this old abandoned mining compound is, but I can't. This appears to be one of the less-complex mining sites, but at the same time, somewhat cooler than the major ones. All I know is – it's somewhere in the Upper Peninsula, back in the woods, not far from the road.

But what road?
The videographer isn't saying, in order to protect it from vandals.

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Looking at these still shots, it looks more like a small mining “community” with small & large buildings and sheds (maybe a house or two?), rather than the usual way we think of mines: tunnels underground, picks, shovels, lotsa rocks & dirt, pools of water, etc.

This particular mine has been sitting silent for awhile, with trees and bushes secluding most of it from the road. There are buildings, foundations, fenced-off areas, wood and concrete shacks and sheds, and one big long structure with trees beginning to grow through it. The basement is dark and gloomy, about what you would expect from a place like this.

Somebody who looks at these photos may recognize this place. It doesn't appear to be fenced off nor did I see any 'no trespassing' signs around. The mine name, date of completion, dates it was in service - and if possible, location – are all welcome. In the meantime, take a look. It's simply another of the endless wonders and secrets of the Upper Peninsula – and hopefully we don't take them for granted.

Abandoned Unknown Mine, Upper Peninsula


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