Owosso Barber Can Now Cut Hair AgainOwosso Barber Can Now Cut Hair AgainClippers, scissors, and razors have been restored. Oh yeah, and a license too.Chris TylerChris Tyler
So, Do You Have “The Whitmer”So, Do You Have “The Whitmer”I don't, but I've been offered one more than a time or two...Chris TylerChris Tyler
What Are You Gonna Do On June 8th?What Are You Gonna Do On June 8th?I know you have thought about it.Chris TylerChris Tyler
Michigan Stay Home Order Lifted: Sports Practices Can ResumeMichigan Stay Home Order Lifted: Sports Practices Can ResumeGovernor Whitmer lifted stay at home order restrictions, allowing businesses and restaurants to reopen, among many other things including sports practices! Maitlynn MossolleMaitlynn Mossolle
Michigan, It’s Time For A HaircutMichigan, It’s Time For A HaircutI am long overdue. Long, long overdue.Chris TylerChris Tyler
Where I’m Going Now That Michigan Is In Phase 4Where I’m Going Now That Michigan Is In Phase 4You and I may be thinking the same thing.Chris TylerChris Tyler
Are You Being Mask-Compliant In Mid-Michigan?Are You Being Mask-Compliant In Mid-Michigan?If you see someone out that looks like this, it's not me...Chris TylerChris Tyler
Boating is Allowed During Executive Order, But DiscouragedBoating is Allowed During Executive Order, But DiscouragedCOVID-19 is inflicting on a Pure Michigan summer.ChristineChristine
Who Is Considered An Essential Employee in Michigan?Who Is Considered An Essential Employee in Michigan?Here's the list of "essential" employees in Michigan.Stephanie McCoyStephanie McCoy