Slippery Roads in the Lansing Area This Morning
We finally got some snow in the Lansing area and it appears that people have (once again) forgotten that snow tends to make roads a little slippery. Therefore, we DO have a couple of traffic issues this morning. First, there are reports that an accident earlier this morning is affecting traffic on eastbound I-96 at the Cedar Street exit. Also, Eaton County 911 posted on their Facebook page this morning that in Charlotte, motorists can "expect a slow down and power outage in the area of Packard between Lansing Rd and Cochran, this is due to a vehicle crash."
Now, we can always count on the Bath Township Police Department to add a little humor to the situation and they came through again this morning with the following post on their Facebook page:
Schools are closed. Why are schools closed? Because the roads are bad. How do I know the roads are bad? Because I spent all night driving from accident to accident to accident while trying not to get in an accident myself.
We constantly PLEAD with everyone to slow down. Most of you have driven during Michigan winters. Common sense would tell you to slow down. But do you slow down? No. No you do not. Then you go into the ditch and get all cranky pants when you have a tow bill and vehicle damage. I am turning it over to day shift. May they have better luck than I did last night.
And this post, too!