Part of the Lansing River Trail is Closed Until July
Aurelius Road isn't the only thing that's going to be closed until July in the Lansing area. (Sorry, I'm making the reference to Aurelius Road for selfish reasons because the more I mention it, the greater the chance that I'll actually remember that the darn road is closed and I might stop getting caught up in the detour.)
Anyway, the point of this post is to let you know that if you happen to use the Lansing River Trail in the area that is south of I-496, which is near the Washington Avenue bridge, it's now going to be closed until July. The City of Lansing Public Service Department posted the update on their Facebook page this week. They're apparently closing that part of the river trail to make some "necessary repairs to the failing embankment". It's expected to be closed until Friday, July 10, 2020. And just like Aurelius Road (sorry, being selfish again) there's a detour set up. Trail users will be detoured onto Hazel Street. Check out their map below so you won't get caught up in the detour, like someone else I know...

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