Old Town Krampusnacht Is This Weekend in Lansing – What Is It?
Think of him as the Anti-Santa.
Old Town Lansing's annual Krampusnacht is Saturday, December 7; but not everyone understands who - or what - Krampus is.
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How do you even pronounce it? In German, it's like KROMM-poos-nokt... making a sound like you're trying to clear your throat with that last "K". In English, it's more like CRAMP-us-knocked. But whatever.
To get a grip on what Krampus is all about, you've got to back several centuries.
The Origin of Krampus
Krampusnacht (or "Krampus Night") started in Central Europe, and is thought to be connected to ancient Pagan rituals related to the winter solstice. Before the spread of Christianity in the region, there was a festival called "Perchtenlauf" involving masks and costumes intended to ward off evil spirits. Some historians think Krampus might have got his start there.
Whereas Santa Claus is the benevolent being that rewards well-behaved children with gifts, Krampus... well... Krampus deals with the not-so-well-behaved ones by stuffing them in a sack and carrying them away, never to be seen again. Or at least that's how legend goes.
I first learned about Krampus watching the TV show "Grimm" a few years ago. Here's a short clip that does a pretty good job of helping one understand what he's all about.
Krampus is most often depicted as a demonic horned creature with dark fur, long claws, and a lolling tongue, carrying chains, bells, and a bunch of birch sticks that he uses to punish children. So not like Santa.
How Is Krampusnacht Celebrated in Lansing?
If you venture out to Old Town Krampusnacht in Lansing, you're pretty much guaranteed to see people in costume as Krampus. After all, there's a Krampus parade planned and everything. That's about as macabre as it gets. (In the event you spot a Krampus stuffing a screaming kid in a sack though, you should probably call 9-1-1.)
The event will be held from 4pm to 9pm on Saturday, December 7, on Turner Street in Lansing's Old Town between E. César E. Chávez Boulevard and Clinton Street.
Old Town Krampusnacht also promises a costume contest, fire walkers, a "misfit market" and music, kids' stuff and photos, traditional food/drink for the season, and late night shopping at businesses located along and near the block.
Get more information about the event here.
Krampusnacht in Lansing
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