Michigan Relaxing Safety Guidelines For Nursing Homes
So nice to start seeing things getting better with the pandemic. Seems the vaccines are going really well, and we are all so happy that we are getting them sooner then expected. One of the hard things to see this last year was families not being able to see their loved ones in nursing homes and assisted living facilities. It has been harder on the elderly not having visitors I would imagine.
Good news, Michigan is finally relaxing the safety rules at nursing homes and assisted living facilities. This is awesome news for so many families a perfect spring gift.
We remember how sad it was when families all over the state of Michigan had to visit their loved ones through doors, and windows because of COVID19. It has been that way for more than a year, and finally coming to an end.
I’m thinking she probably thought she was dreaming because she hasn’t seen us in over a year,” said Karen Lynema of Jenison. Her mom, Pat Vander Weide, has been in a nursing home since 2019. Karen visited her on St. Patrick’s Day. It’s the first day she’s been with her in person since the pandemic started.
More updates available here from fox17.
This is perfect timing because Karen's moms birthday is next week. Talk about a perfect gift. So exciting to see all the great strides we have seen the last few months on the pandemic. Kind of hard to believe this all started over a year ago. Every week it seems we get more good news, which is so welcoming to all of us.