The Best Places To Run In Lansing This Winter
Staying fit and healthy doesn't just have to stop here in Lansing because it's cold out. Don't get me wrong either, you probably won't find me out running on a day that we only see a high of 30 degrees on.
Where To Run or Walk, In Lansing Indoors This Winter
It sound's crazy, but sometimes you can just take a walk around the mall. Most do open earlier during the winter months too, to allow you to go in and get some steps around. That's not the real reason of course but it saves you money on a gym membership to go enjoy your favorite stores. Other stores are of course a possibility.
Don't forget to check out the local gyms in your areas either, as of course, it can never hurt you to have a membership.
Where To Run This Winter Outside In Lansing
When the weather is decent, you probably are going to want to get out, and I've compiled a list of locations to go enjoy any warm weather in the future that you can check out.
Do you have a location that didn't make our list? Open our station app and get social with us, let us know where you enjoy a nice stroll during the winter months. We all have our own little secret hideaways and safe havens during the colder months.
Most of us, however, do still find comfort in just getting our steps in by going from the warm car to a warm building.