Only in Michigan Would You Have An “Amish Uber”
In the village of Colon, Michigan - mere miles from Stephanie McCoy's hometown of Centreville, there is no Uber service offered. But, in America, good ideas, like life (with apologies to Jeff Goldblum and Jurassic Park) - "finds a way". So, according to WWMT.com, an Amish gentleman, Timothy Hochstedler, decided it was time to introduce "Amish Uber". For $5, Timothy will give you a ride in his buggy, pulled by his horse, who, "loves people. He's a Morgan. A Morgan is a people's horse. They love giving you a kiss or whatever."
But don't try to get Timothy and his horse on the Uber app. He doesn't really work for Uber (how long until Uber has a problem with some poor Amish guy having some fun, huh?) and you'll just have to flag him down. Old school - with your hand.
Here's the story. Enjoy that slobbery horse kiss.
Banana Don and Stephanie McCoy amuse and thrill you every weekday morning from 5:30 – 10AM on the radio at 100.7 WITL.
Noted zythologist and all-around fun guy Banana Don can be reached via email at don.jefferson@townsquaremedia.com and on Twitter at @WITLBananaDon and @WITLFM. Also, Facebook friend Banana Don and Stephanie at Facebook.com/BananaStephanie and Facebook.com/WITLFM.
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