My picks from the East Lansing Film Festival
Went to the East Lansing Film Festival on Saturday night. We saw one of the "Lake Michigan Film Competition" short documentaries and one of the two LMFC short film programs. The LMFC films are all made by filmmakers from the Great Lakes region. Like I said, I was only there the one night, but here are four films that I thought were well done:
Short Documentaries
"Predator/Prey: The Fight For Isle Royale Wolves":
This is a fascinating look at the history of the wolves and moose on Isle Royale, in Lake Superior. Both moose and wolves walked across the ice on the lake, decades ago, to get there. There are about 1600 moose on the island now and, after reaching a peak of 50, the number of wolves has declined to just two. Should humans insert themselves into the situation and transplant more wolves to the island (I say, yes) Or, should we keep our noses out of it and let nature take it's course. The issue is about to be decided by the National Park Service.
"Silently Steal Away':
This is a cool quirky movie about the "Jack Raymond Show" - a radio show that's played on one radio station in Wisconsin every night for almost 50 years - but whose host, Jack Raymond, was a mystery. Is he alive? Dead? And where do the shows come from? Here's a Q&A with the director, Andrew Swant.
Short Films
This was a cool short that was filmed in Mid-Michigan, including downtown DeWitt. I did NOT expect the twist at the end. I liked it. And this film is doing well and showing up at a LOT of film festivals. You can watch it online here:
This is a science-fiction short about an older couple who gets the chance to be young again. The producer for this film went to U of M, buts works in California now. The cast and crew of this film is made up of some true pros. Here's the trailer:
See ya at the ELFF next year.
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