Happy New Year!

This is the time of year where many people decide to make a resolution, often aimed at the goal of improving or bettering ourselves.

And after a season of over indulging throughout the holidays, sometimes a resolution people make is to quit something. And sometimes that thing is drinking.

How to Observe Dry January in Lansing

If you've never heard of "Dry January", it's basically a month long challenge where the person participating goes 31 days without alcohol in any form; beer, wine, or cocktails.

While Dry January could be one reason you don't want to consume alcohol (not that you need a reason to not consume alcohol), there are plenty of other reasons for not drinking, like being pregnant, sober, allergic, or just plain not wanting to drink alcohol.

Lansing Bars and Restaurants That Make Amazing Mocktails

No matter the reason or the season, if you're looking for a drink that a bit more elevated than your basic pop or lemonade, a mocktail is just the thing for you. And lucky that Lansing is blessed with some awesome establishments that mix a mean cocktail!

Take a look below, and see what adventures await your taste buds.

The Avenue - Lansing

Zoobie's Tavern - Old Town

Courtesy of
Courtesy of Google Maps

American Fifth Spirits - Downtown Lansing

Courtesy of Google Maps
Courtesy of Google Maps

Joe's On Jolly - Okemos

Kristen Matthews, TSM Lansing
Kristen Matthews, TSM Lansing

Bowdie's Chophouse - Downtown Lansing

Courtesy of Google Maps
Courtesy of Google Maps

Dusty's Cellar - Okemos

Photo Courtesy of Google Streetview
Photo Courtesy of Google Streetview

The English Inn - Eaton Rapids

Courtesy of Google Streetview
Courtesy of Google Streetview

One North Kitchen & Bar - East Lansing and Lansing

Kristen Matthews TSM Lansing
Kristen Matthews TSM Lansing

Lansing Area Bars and Restaurants That Serve Amazing Mocktails

Whether you are a pregnant person, a sober person, an underage person, or just a person who doesn't feel like drinking alcohol at the moment, there's got to be something out there for us, right? That's when I discovered the beauty of a mocktail. If you don't drink alcohol, for whatever reason, there are some fantastic restaurants and bars in Lansing that serve up more than pop and lemonade. Check out these spots that have amazing mocktails. 

Gallery Credit: Kristen Matthews

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Gallery Credit: Kristen Matthews

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