The 2018 Spring Job Fair is coming to Baker College in Owosso. The job fair will be Wednesday, March 28, from 1 to 7PM, at Baker College's Welcome Center, 1309 S. M-52.

For SOME of you, this job fair is a great chance to break free from the oppressive rules your parents have imposed on you while you've lived in their basement. I'm sure they'll miss seeing you everyday. (But, once your YouTube channel takes off, you can buy them a new house.)

According to, (and this is a great idea): the first 30 minutes (1 - 1:30PM), the job fair will be specifically for military veterans. (Hopefully ALL of the veterans will get jobs and be able to leave early.)


Banana Don and Stephanie McCoy amuse and thrill you every weekday morning from 5:30 – 10AM on the radio at 100.7 WITL.

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