Former MSU QB Kirk Cousins Gets Paid – Provides Your Next Tattoo
According to the Washington Post, Kirk Cousins, who used to play quarterback for the Spartans and now plays in the NFL, will stay with Washington after being given a "franchise tag" - which means he can't be traded or talk to other teams. But, he'll get paid a ton of money, after his bosses (and some of the fans) had doubted his abilities.
Kirk didn't. And now Washington has realized it's mistake.
It wasn't long ago (2014) that Cousins was benched and NBC Sports declared "The KIrk Cousins era is over in Washington."
Cousins' story is a great example of believing in yourself and working to make yourself more valuable. After Kirk had been booed by the fans and benched, he didn't whine about it, but said, "Champions are built on a thousand invisible mornings". Something he's been saying since he was a junior at Michigan State.
And THAT has "tattoo possibility" written all over it.
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