What will you be doing this Saturday? Watching college football? Christmas shopping? Eating leftovers? Maybe a little deer hunting?

None of that would surprise me.

What WOULD surprise me, would be you telling me that you plan to strap into your home-built, steam-powered rocket and fly over a town in the Mojave desert, in preparation for your space flight that will prove the earth is flat.

Because that's what "Mad" Mike Hughes is going to do this Saturday. According to APnews, Mike is a flat earther who's spent the last two years building a steam-powered rocket in his garage. Saturday, he plans to launch himself to a height of 1800 feet and fly for a mile, over the town of Amboy, in California's Mojave Desert. He actually built and flew one of these a distance of a half-mile, three years ago. So he must have some expertise when it comes to "steam-powered rocketry". A phrase I don't use too often.

If Saturday's flight is successful, Mike plans to build a bigger rocket and fly to an altitude of 68 miles - so he can take photos and prove that the earth is flat. As Mike says, "I don’t believe in science."

Gravity may have something to say about that on Saturday.



Banana Don and Stephanie McCoy amuse and thrill you every weekday morning from 5:30 – 10AM on the radio at 100.7 WITL.

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