ESPN’s ‘College Game Day’ Is Coming To Western Michigan
When you're one of only 2 teams that are still undefeated, good things can happen. It was announced over the weekend that ESPN's 'College Game Day' will be coming to the campus of Western Michigan University this Saturday, November 19th as the undefeated Broncos take on Buffalo. If you're headed to the game,here is some information you may want to know:
- The broadcast starts at 9am but fans are encouraged to arrive a 2-3 hours early.
- The ESPN stage will be set up at WMU's Sangren Pedestrian Mall.
The game starts at 3:30pm at Waldo Stadium. Click here to purchase your tickets for the game.
- Listen to Banana Don & Stephanie McCoy weekday mornings from 5:30a-10a on 100.7 WITL.
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