Did you know – the LAST Playboy Club was in Lansing?
So, the Hef is gone. But after 91 years - what a life.
One of the things we can thank Hugh Hefner for are the Playboy Clubs. The first one opened in Chicago, in 1960. The summer of 1977, after I graduated from high school in St. Louis, MO, my best friend Richard and I joined the St. Louis Playboy Club. You had to be 18 to get in, so I just barely made that and we had to order Cokes, but, for our $25 membership, you got the latest edition of Playboy, you listened to live jazz (which we didn't really appreciate at the time) and you got to talk to real, live Playboy bunnies. We went for about 6 months - and then we got bored with the whole thing.
According to the Lansing State Journal, Lansing got our Playboy Club in September of 1982. It was located in the Hilton Inn on West Saginaw. It shut down for good on July 31, 1988, making it the last Playboy Club open in America.
Here's a story from the Journal looking back at the Lansing Playboy Club. See if you're in any of the photos.
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