“Cecil The Lion” Story Goes Viral – Animals Wearing Body Armor
In Cass County, in East Texas (along the Arkansas and Louisiana borders), authorities are investigating an armadillo shooting. According to KTRE.com, a man was shooting at an armadillo at 3AM Thursday morning (??), hit the armadillo, but then suffered an injury when the bullet ricocheted OFF THE ARMADILLO and hit the shooter in the head. He suffered a minor injury, was treated and the investigation continues.
Armadillos are considered "southern" animals, but their range is gradually moving north. (I think we're a little cold in the winter for them to move into Michigan) My brother, who lives in south central Missouri, had one living under his deck last week. He lives on a farm and has plenty of weapons, but he decided to spray it with a hose to get it to leave. Sounds like he made the right decision.
Banana Don and Stephanie McCoy amuse and thrill you every weekday morning from 5:30 –10AM on the radio at 100.7 WITL.
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