Bro-Country is Over – Meet “Metro-Bro Country”
As we discussed this morning, a website called says that Bro-Country is over. It's now been replaced by something called "Metro-Bro Country". If Bro-Country was guys singing about drinking beer and pickups and hot girls, Metro-Bro Country is Jimmie Allen singing, "I’m not the man I was before you".
You might remember when Maddie and Tae gained some fans, but also took a lot of heat from some male singers for making fun of Bro-Country in their song, Girl in a Country Song. And five years later - it's over. The proof? SavingCountryMusic points to all the hit songs now that feature good-looking guys singing "love songs directly to women".
I know my lovely wife is a huge fan these days of everything Dan & Shay and Kip Moore's song, Last Shot, which perfectly fits the Metro Bro-Country profile. So, I don't think it's just about hunky guys singing to women - it's about romance coming back into the lyrics. I mean, hey - she's got me, so what would she want with some other hunky guy? (Don't answer that question)
And, I know it's a touchy subject in country music, but this article suggests that because the majority of country music consumers are female, Metro-Bro Country is part of the reason female country artists aren't more successful these days.
Interesting article. What do you think? Here's the link.
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