Will Lansing See A White Christmas This Year?
Will we see snow in Lansing this Christmas? The Old Farmer's Almanac says YES!
There is something so magical in having a "White Christmas"; a fluffy, white blanket covering everything makes for the best Christmas mornings, in my opinion. I was happy to see that when I checked out the long-range forecast in the Old Farmer's Almanac; they're predicting snow showers for Lansing, and most of the Lower Peninsula, from December 23rd to December 31st.
But of course, with snow, there's usually cold to go with it. In addition to snow, the Old Farmer's Almanac predicts cold temperatures from December 23rd to the 31st. I'm not too crazy about the cold, but I'll bundle up through it if I get to enjoy a White Christmas.
Since we've got just over two weeks until Christmas, I'll definitely be keeping an eye on the forecast; this is Michigan, after all. To check out the long-range forecast through January, click here.