Where to go in Michigan to see the Perseid meteor shower
The Perseid meteor shower is happening now and will last through the later part of August. However, the peak time for this year's shower will be August 12th. The best viewing will be the early morning of August 12th or that night. Looking for a place to watch? According to the Detroit Free Press, the Michigan DNR is hosting "Meteors & S'mores" parties at several state parks that weekend. It looks like the closest location to the Lansing area will be Island Lake Recreation Area, Saturday, Aug. 12, 8 to 11 p.m.
The talk on the street (and in my neighborhood) is that this year's Perseid shower will be more spectacular than in past years. HOWEVER - Space.com says the moon will be bright enough during peak viewing times to interfere with seeing some of the meteors. But, they go on to say that enough of the meteors will be bigger fireballs so that it should still be a good show. Enjoy your meteors and s'mores.
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