Where can I go in Michigan to see the NEXT eclipse?
Even though it was so spectacular it brought the Weather Channel's Stephanie Abrams to tears, Solar Eclipse 2017 is so...yesterday's news.
Forward thinking Michiganders are already looking ahead to the next Total Solar Eclipse in 2024. The next total eclipse will take place on April 8, 2024.
And YES - it will be seen, in totality, in Michigan. But, just barely. Apparently Tim Allen knows a guy, who knows another guy. Anyway, he got us a sliver of the 2024 eclipse.
I would IMMEDIATELY check to see if you know anybody in Erie Township, Michigan (just north of Toledo, OH), because that's the only place in Michigan that will see the total eclipse in 2024. Of course, who knows what the weather's going to be like around here in early April of 2024. So, again, we may have to travel south to get the full experience. I guess you could start looking for hotel rooms in Toledo. Maybe we can all meet at Billy Bob's, in downtown Fort Worth, Texas, where they'll get the full eclipse. Or, we could all go to sunny, warm Mazatlan, in Mexico. Of course, one of the most violent drug cartels in Mexico runs that area, so....
I vote for Billy Bob's in Fort Worth. See ya there in 2024.
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