Summer is a great time to get outside, meet new people and expand your own horizons. And what better way to do all three than to go to a baseball game and eat toasted grasshoppers?

When it comes to stadium food, Safeco Field, the home of the Seattle Mariners, is now offering a new delicacy: a cup of toasted grasshoppers, "dusted with chili-lime salt seasoning". According to the Seattle Times, these snacks come from a Mexican restaurant in Seattle called Poquitos, but they're sold at the Edgar's Cantina and Edgar's Tacos concession stands at Safeco. The cups sell for $4. For that you get about 20 toasted grasshoppers. But they're usually sold out by the fourth inning.

Are you listening, Cooley Law School Stadium? This could happen by the time we come down to Taste of Country on June 9th. (Get your tickets now - so you don't miss out on the great concert and possible toasted grasshoppers) I don't know what the overhead is on toasted grasshoppers, but I know a lot of farmers who would love for us to eat their grasshoppers. And how great would it be to have a "toasted grasshopper" as a secondary mascot to Big Lug? I call this a win/win for everybody involved.


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