Former Detroit Tiger Justin Verlander pitches for the Astros now. He's having a phenomenal year. He's so good, on Monday, Yankees fans were booing him. For shutting the Yankees' bats down last year during the playoffs, on his way to the World Series. And shutting them down on Monday, as well.

Things weren't always so good for Justin. There was a time, according to, when even Justin Verlander had a really bad day. And that day was August 11, 2014.

On 8/11/14, Justin couldn't throw a fastball to save his life, got pulled in the first inning, thought he might need shoulder surgery, was afraid his career might be over and wasn't yet engaged to Kate Upton. So, he sat down in the tunnel leading to the Tigers' clubhouse. And had himself a good cry.

The good news is - he didn't need surgery, he learned how to take care of his shoulder from a therapist after that, he married supermodel Kate Upton and helped the Astros win the World Series. And the toughest fans in the world are mad at him, now - because he's TOO good.

Lessons? Don't give up, figure out the problem and cry where nobody can see you.


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