The Dog Blog: Lansing Lugnuts Opening Day & WITL Night
Thank you to everyone who came out to the Lugnuts Opening Day and WITL Night at Cooley Law School Stadium on Saturday! It was a great, although chilly, day!
During the block party for Opening Day, there were lots of people enjoying the different games and food offerings, in addition to lots of people bringing out their doggos! Hands down, that's my favorite part of any open, outdoor event: all the doggos it brings out! So, to honor all the cute dogs I see along the way at events this Spring and Summer, I'm starting "The Dog Blog" (credit where credit is due, Chris Tyler did come up with the name, but the idea was mine); a blog series of all the doggos I encounter during special events this Spring and Summer.
So, if you're ever having a crumby day, or you just feel like spending some time looking at cute dogs, THIS is the place to come. Now behold, the doggos of Lugnuts Opening Day.
PS. I did see like four more dogs than are pictured in this gallery, but sadly, I just wasn't quick enough to snap a pic!
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