MSU scientist creating robot brains to mine asteroidsMSU scientist creating robot brains to mine asteroidsI, for one, welcome our grizzled prospector overlords.Banana DonBanana Don
Why East Lansing’s Larry Page Scares His Friend Elon MuskWhy East Lansing’s Larry Page Scares His Friend Elon MuskOne word - robots.Banana DonBanana Don
U.S. Army to Test Robotic Vehicles on Michigan’s I-69U.S. Army to Test Robotic Vehicles on Michigan’s I-69The "driverless military vehicle" will have someone behind the wheel at all times. Yeah, I saw "Terminator 2".Banana DonBanana Don
Scarlett Johansson Robot Is Real And Lifelike – And Incredibly CreepyScarlett Johansson Robot Is Real And Lifelike – And Incredibly CreepyYour move, ladies....Banana DonBanana Don
Dear Michigan Farmer – Get Ready For Robot TractorsDear Michigan Farmer – Get Ready For Robot TractorsWhat do you think? Time saver or potential nightmare?Banana DonBanana Don
Tired of Shoveling After Michigan Snowstorms? This Robot Will Do It For You [VIDEO]Tired of Shoveling After Michigan Snowstorms? This Robot Will Do It For You [VIDEO]No, seriously - I think this robot could shovel your driveway.Banana DonBanana Don
Self Driving Cars (and Some Poor Robot Named Sebastian) Are Getting Their Own City in MichiganSelf Driving Cars (and Some Poor Robot Named Sebastian) Are Getting Their Own City in Michigan20 years from now, these things will be all over MichiganBanana DonBanana Don
Robots Go Old School – Get Swords For Inevitable Takeover of EarthRobots Go Old School – Get Swords For Inevitable Takeover of EarthAnd you thought the laser beams shooting out of their eyes was the only problem.Banana DonBanana Don
Robots Learning To Cook – By Watching YouTubeRobots Learning To Cook – By Watching YouTubeToday - omelet making. Tomorrow - world domination. Just watch.Banana DonBanana Don
Some Say This is the First “Family Robot” – Some Say It’s Just a Creepy ApplianceSome Say This is the First “Family Robot” – Some Say It’s Just a Creepy ApplianceRobot domination of the world takes a step forward.Banana DonBanana Don