Back in 2013, two different rankings of college mascots came out online. Campus Explorer came up with a list of the "10 Scariest Mascots". Sports Illustrated listed the "25 Best Mascots".

Michigan State's Sparty made BOTH lists.

Scary? Are you kidding me?

I do agree with the "10 Scariest" list when they name the Providence College Friar as tied for Number One. (Check him out when the Friars play Texas A&M Friday at 12:15PM) They have Sparty as the fifth most scary. (Did they not see "300"?)

On the other hand, Sports illustrated lists Sparty as #13 on their "Best" list, with Florida State's Chief Osceola at Number One. Whatever.

And, here's the "10 Scariest". Enjoy your mascot nightmares.


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