Joshua Gawrysiak, from Eau Claire, Wisconsin, shot a monster 19-point buck last Saturday near the town of Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin (the home of Leinenkugel's Brewing)

Another 150 miles northeast and he would've been in Michigan. So close.

According to, Joshua had been tracking this buck for the past five years. He finally got him Saturday morning, with a compound bow, at 20 yards.

Now that he got him, Joshua wants to do a full body mount. It's a great idea, but an expensive one. So, Joshua has a GoFundMe page set up to cover the $3,000 cost. Last I checked he had $185 collected. My guess is that some hunting products company (or, maybe Leinenkugel's) will step up and make it happen - as long as they can have at least part-ownership.

That said - it's a great story of perseverance and focus. And hopefully, for Joshua (and everybody else around there), that buck has some offspring still roaming around behind the brewery.

Speaking of taxidermy and Wisconsin and monster bucks - here's the weird story of the Jordan buck - the biggest typical rack ever taken in the U.S. and the subject of my Brain Cramp Question on Opening Day. True story - this trophy deer head was lost for 50 years and was only discovered when it sold at a second hand store for $3.



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