Contagious Disease Outbreak in Michigan Trending to Record CasesContagious Disease Outbreak in Michigan Trending to Record CasesIt hasn't been this bad in a decade.Jacob HarrisonJacob Harrison
Signs We Should Brace For a Brutal Winter Here in MichiganSigns We Should Brace For a Brutal Winter Here in MichiganHere's how Michiganders will know to prepare for a rough winter season.Lauren GordonLauren Gordon
Proof That Ohio is Full of Bad DriversProof That Ohio is Full of Bad DriversAccording to a recent study, Ohio drivers have the 2nd most speeding tickets in the United States.Dana MarshallDana Marshall
Deadly Listeria Outbreak Hits Midwest StatesDeadly Listeria Outbreak Hits Midwest StatesDozens sick and 2 dead as a new listeria outbreak from deli meat spreads through the Midwest to the East Coast.Dana MarshallDana Marshall
Come Aboard Former Zeigler Auto Owner's 116-Foot Super YachtCome Aboard Former Zeigler Auto Owner's 116-Foot Super YachtFounded in Lowell, MI by Harold Zeigler today Zeigler Automotive has grown to 35 dealerships across Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois, and Ohio.Lauren GordonLauren Gordon
Ridiculous Myths About Michigan That Other States BelieveRidiculous Myths About Michigan That Other States BelieveThe stuff that people from other states believe to be true about Michigan is bonkers.Dana MarshallDana Marshall
Did Scientists Just Find The ‘Bermuda Triangle’ Of Lake Michigan?Did Scientists Just Find The ‘Bermuda Triangle’ Of Lake Michigan?A mysterious warm water ring found in Lake Michigan is eerily similar to the mysterious occurrences in the Bermuda Triangle.Tommy McNeillTommy McNeill
Brit Hilariously Explains All 50 States, Nails MichiganBrit Hilariously Explains All 50 States, Nails MichiganA bit cheeky, innit?Jacob HarrisonJacob Harrison
What's With the Michigan Takeover Maps?What's With the Michigan Takeover Maps?But really, what if Michigan was bigger?Jacob HarrisonJacob Harrison
Meet the West Michigan Minister Remembered as America’s ‘Hot Dog Hero’Meet the West Michigan Minister Remembered as America’s ‘Hot Dog Hero’From lobbying for meat laws to setting new standards, explore how Michigan's hot dog reputation was shaped by a dedicated activist.Eric MeierEric Meier