According to WILX-TV, our long Michigan nightmare is over. The people at Mt. Dew have put out a limited edition "Upper Peninsula" Mt. Dew bottle.

This story began last month, when Mt. Dew introduced bottles that saluted every state in the U.S. All was good until someone noticed that, on the Mt. Dew map of the United States, Michigan's Upper Peninsula was incorrectly shown as being part of Wisconsin.

This did not over well Up North.

There was great anger and threats of closing off the Mackinac Bridge and Soo Locks to Mt. Dew shipments (I may be making that up), UNTIL Mt. Dew relented and promised to come out with a U.P. version of the bottle. That day happened yesterday and many Yoopers stood in line to get one of the bottles. (You know that'll be a collectors item). The best part? Today, at the U.P. Sate Fair in Escanaba, Mt. Dew employees will be in the dunk tank. Nicely done, Mt. Dew.

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