It's time to do some fishing.

According to, this Sunday, April 1st, marks the official start of Michigan's 2018 fishing season. Yes, you can fish all year long here, but there has to be an official start. No, I don't know why it's April 1st and not January 1st. Probably goes back to when people didn't do a lot of fishing until it warmed up.

Anyway - time to get your license and check out the updated rules. For most people the license will cost you $26 for the year, which, the DNR reminds you, also helps maintain upkeep and access to waterways when you're boating.

Here's your trivia for the day - there are 150 different species of fish in Michigan. So, get out there and catch at least one of them this year. Good luck!


Banana Don and Stephanie McCoy amuse and thrill you every weekday morning from 5:30 – 10AM on the radio at 100.7 WITL.

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