Fat Tuesday is coming up and one Michigan distillery has another way to enjoy paczki - in your drink!

Detroit City Distillery's Paczki Vodka

Detroit City Distillery creates small batch artisanal whiskey, gin, and vodka using local ingredients.

Detroit City Distillery, Facebook
Detroit City Distillery, Facebook

For the past six years, Steve Orzechowski, their resident distiller of Polish descent, fires up the still to make a special treat for Fat Tuesday: Paczki Day Vodka.

Detroit City Distillery, Facebook
Detroit City Distillery, Facebook

To make it, Detroit City Distillery procures Hamtramck's finest raspberry paczki from New Palace Bakery and distills them in 100% potato vodka from Michigan and Poland.

The distillery described the vodka as "a crystal-clear one-of-a-kind, spirit that is smooth, buttery, and has a distinct raspberry finish.”

Michael Forsyth, the distillery’s co-owner, tells the Detroit Free Press,

It’s been incredible to see Pączki Day Vodka become a tradition within Michigan’s Polish community and watch the sensation grow nationwide. People travel from all over America to get their hands on this once-a-year spirit and celebrate with their Polish comrades.

This year Detroit City Distillery is hosting two parties to celebrate Paczki Day Vodka season. First, on the release day, February 3rd, they'll be having a pick up party that starts at 4pm. Then, later next month they're holding a bigger Paczki Day Party on Saturday, February 18th.

The Paczki Day Vodka is quick to sell out - here's how you can try to get some!

How to Get Paczki Day Vodka

Paczki Day Vodka goes on sale on February, 3rd at 8am on Detroit City Distillery's website.

Detroit City Distillery, Facebook
Detroit City Distillery, Facebook

Each 750-milliliter bottle is $35.

You can buy it online to pick up in store at Detroit City Distillery's Eastern Market Tasting Room at 2462 Riopelle St., or have it shipped.

Select stores also carry Paczki Day Vodka. After the initial online on-sale, Detroit City Distillery usually shares a list of the locations carrying Paczki Day Vodka. We'll update this post when they do!

There's even Paczki Day Vodka merch:

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