Michigan Country Lines magazine just wrapped up a contest to find the best deer blinds in Michigan. Click here to see the winners.

The one that caught my eye, was the one built by Dean Ronk. Dean figured out that a lot of people get rid of old, fake Christmas trees at garage sales. So he bought a bunch and used them to make the outside of his deer blind. Genius. He's recycling, it's cheap, it's great camouflage and since they're fake - they'll last a long time and hopefully nothing will eat the branches (I know, those mice will eat just about anything)

In fact, that idea is so good, I might steal it. At least to camouflage the outside of the blind.

If YOU have a cool deer blind (I know there's some good ones around here) - email the photos and I'll post it here. And, good luck to everybody this Saturday.


Banana Don and Stephanie McCoy amuse and thrill you every weekday morning from 5:30 – 10AM on the radio at 100.7 WITL.

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