Patrick Heller, owner of Liberty Coin service in Frandor, is now a big time movie producer. Seriously.

According to the Lansing State Journal, Heller invested in, and is listed as an Executive Producer of, the new movie, "Alongside Night". Also an Executive Producer for that movie? - actor Kevin Sorbo, who played "Hercules" in the "Hercules-The Legendary Journeys" TV show for six seasons in the late 90's. That show was one of the highest rated syndicated TV shows in the world at that time - and introduced us to the "Xena-Warrior Princess" character.

"Alongside Night" is a movie about "agorism" which (from what I understand) is letting the "black market" take over the economy - with no government interference at all, in order to for everything to be bought and sold for it's true value to people.

If you want to see the movie, it's playing tonight at the Studio C theaters at the Meridian Mall and tomorrow night at Celebration Cinema, both at 7:30PM.

Patrick Heller is in the movie and will answer questions after the movie.


Banana Don and Stephanie McCoy amuse and thrill you every morning from 5:30 – 10AM on the radio at 100.7 WITL.

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