Lansing granny shares her homemade German vodka with the world
Sure, make your jokes about grandmothers knitting all day and playing bingo and watching Matlock re-runs. Some of them just roll their eyes, roll up their sleeves and get back to running their vodka empire. Like Hedy Steinbart, who, according to the Lansing State Journal, moved to the states from Germany in 1952 - and when she did - brought her family's recipes with her. Like her recipe for cherry vodka. For years she served her homemade vodka at family parties, until her grandson Kyle Miller decided the world needed a taste. Now, Hedy's "Oma's Cherry Infused Vodka" (made with Michigan cherries) is on store shelves all over the Great Lakes.
Oh, yeah - Hedy is 92 years old. And your frat party literally doesn't start until she gets there.
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