It’s Official: The Sears In Lansing Is Closing
It’s the news we figured would come but not the news we wanted to hear. The Sears in Frandor will soon be closing.
According to USA Today, the long time Sears location in Frandor at 3131 East Michigan Avenue will be one of 51 Sears stores to close, along with 45 Kmart stores which are also owned by the same parent company, Transformco.
The closings are scheduled to take place in February.
I got to tell you that a few things come to mind when I think of Sears. First, if you are old enough to remember, there was the legendary Sears catalog that came to your house that had EVERYTHING. Also I hear my fathers voice ringing in my ears, "Son, always buy a Craftsman tool. If something ever goes wrong with it you can return it to Sears because they guarantee it forever". Also, the Kenmore washer and dryer that I currently own was purchased from Sears in Frandor a few years ago.
Gonna miss Sears, for many reasons.
Get more information about these closings here from the USA Today website.