I Found Flamin’ Hot Sushi At Meijer This Weekend – Can We Stop?
Where do we begin?
How about 1992 when the folks at Frito-Lay said yes and greenlit the release of the now ICONIC Flamin' Hot Cheetos brand.

We'd have to go back a little bit further as (and I'm betting you didn't know this) they came about because of a then 26 year old janitor.
Richard Montañez was a janitor. But he was a janitor with an idea — an idea that would make the company billions of dollars and become one of history’s most celebrated and iconic snack foods: Flamin’ Hot Cheetos. (TheHustle)
It's an amazing story and I really do encourage you to check it out. He went on to fame and fortune, Frito-Lay turned everything around, and now we have Flamin' Hot EVERYTHING!
Flamin' Hot Ruffles.
Flamin' Hot Doritos.
Flamin' Hot Fries.
How about XXXTRA Flamin' Hot because you really want to punish your insides.
And then we start going off the rails with Flamin' Hot mac-n-cheese.
Then we deep fried the Flamin' Hot mac-n-cheese and sold it at Burger King.
Of course Taco Bell got in on the action.
There is legit Flamin' Hot EVERYTHING! And I thought I had seen it all until I saw THIS at Meijer this past weekend.
That's sushi people. Cheetos Flamin' Hot Roll.
Cheetos. Flamin' Hot Cheetos. On sushi.
Besides the fact that this one container is 500 calories and 1130 mg of salt, IT'S CHEETOS ON SUSHI.
Maybe you've heard about lighting the Flamin' Hot Cheetos on fire?
And listen to the doctor in this next piece. High fat, high sodium, processed, and full of spice. There are warnings about letting your kids eat this stuff.
Did you know some schools flat out banned this snack?
Eat em, wear em, let your kids have them, whatever.
I personally don't eat them and I'm not gonna knock you if you or your kids do.
Just remember, like the doctor said, moderation is key.
But someone had to speak up and say something about the Flamin' Hot Cheetos and Sushi thing.
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