Home Depot Requiring All Employees and Customers to Wear Masks
With the surge of the Delta variant making its way across the United States, it has come to a point where many businesses will start asking customers and employees to start wearing a mask again.
One of those businesses is Home Depot. Not just one or two, but all Home Depot stores across the entire country.

According to mlive.com:
With the spread of the Delta variant of COVID-19, the national home improvement chain announced Monday they are requiring all associates, contractor and vendors to wear masks while indoors at all U.S. Home Depot stores, distribution centers, and offices, as well as in customers' homes and businesses.
It doesn't matter if you've been vaccinated or not. If you plan on going to Home Depot from here on out, you are now required to wear a mask inside the store at all times.
At this point, all 50 states have been reporting that more and more people are getting vaccinated as the Delta variant continues to surge.
I don't have a problem with wearing a mask inside Home Depot or for that matter, any other business as well.
Home Depot is one of my favorite stores and I love shopping there. I just went to Home Depot over this past weekend to buy plumbing materials and some flowers for my backyard. I did see a few employees wearing masks and not that many customers.
Mlive.com adds:
"Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, our number one concern has been for the health and safety of our customers and associates," the company said in a statement released Monday.
Just when we thought this whole pandemic thing was starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel, here we go again wearing masks and doing what's right to protect ourselves and others from the Delta variant.
LOOK: Answers to 30 common COVID-19 vaccine questions
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