Holt & Grand Ledge In Penny War For Homeless Awareness Week
Here's an easy way to help out a great cause!
Students from Holt High School and Grand Ledge High School are taking part in a penny war this week to bring awareness to Homeless Awareness Week. Students are encouraged to bring in pennies that count as positives and silver money or dollars that count as negative towards the opposing school's total. Money donations are being accepted until Friday, so you still have a couple of days left to donate.
The schools are also taking donations as a grade level competition. During lunch students can place socks, lip balm and hand/foot warmers in the boxes provided- which ever grade donates the most will win! Socks, lip balm and hand/foot warmers are the most needed yet least donated items. Donations in Holt can be dropped off at the Holt HS Main Campus or the North Campus main office. In Grand Ledge, donations can be dropped at the high school office
Here's more:
- Listen to Banana Don & Stephanie McCoy weekday mornings from 5:30a-10a on 100.7 WITL.
- Follow Stephanie on Facebook at facebook.com/bananastephanie and facebook.com/WITLFM on Twitter @WITLMcCoy.
- Email Stephanie at stephanie.mccoy@townsquaremedia.com