Happy Star Wars Day – See how it all went down in 1977
As part of the Star Wars Day celebration at WITL, here's "The Making of Star Wars" - an ABC-TV show broadcast at the end of the summer of 1977, after Star Wars had taken the world by storm.
Forty years ago, I was graduating from high school, in Missouri, the week Star Wars came out. I don't think I saw it on the opening weekend, because I was working on the radio on weekends back then, but I think I saw it sometime during the first week. I remember standing in line with some kids I knew from high school, but I came by myself (in my beige 1974 Chevy Vega with a plaid cloth interior - which is probably why I was there by myself) Did it change my life at the time? No. In fact, I was a bigger fan of Close Encounters of the Third Kind, which came out later that fall. (I'm sure that says something about me). But when we had to play the disco version of the Star Wars Theme on the radio because it was such a huge hit - I knew there would be more Star Wars movies to come. Check this out:
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