If you plan on traveling 50 miles or more this Thanksgiving, get ready to share the roads, skies, and rails with 50.9 million other Americans.

According to AAA, we'll see the most people traveling for Thanksgiving than we have in a dozen years! It's even more than last year by over 3%. If you plan on traveling for Thanksgiving, there are some things you'll want to know.

  • The Thanksgiving travel period will take place from Wednesday the 22nd to Sunday the 26th.
  • Most travelers (89.3%) will be driving to their destinations.
  • Gas prices for the travel period will be "the highest Thanksgiving gas prices since 2014".
  • While airfare is the cheapest it's been in a while (since 2013), expect to pay more for car rentals and hotels than last year.

To get more info to accurately plan your Thanksgiving holiday travels, click here for more info.

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