Campaign Could Put Decorative Lighting in Downtown Lansing
Let's bring light to Downtown Lansing! Winters are hard enough, so bring on the lights. I remember when I was growing up, the streets were barely lit. It was very dark after sunset, so our parents kept us close to the house, basically near the front porch. Then one week these trucks came in and installed brand new street lights. WOW. I remember they were bright yellow and lit up the whole block. It was great; we could even play ball in the street.
Well good news may be coming for Downtown Lansing residents who want more lighting. And not just any lighting, these would be decorative lights to add some fun to the area. According to fox47news.com,
The decorative lighting fixtures are expected to line Washington Square and parts of Michigan Avenue leading up to the Capitol. They will feature seasonal designs and shapes throughout the year.
I love living in Downtown Lansing and love to go for long walks in the spring and summer, so this is very welcome news to me.
The campaign will end Friday to receive those matching funds from MEDC and municipal league. Many would love to see them put up as soon as January or mid-February. I sincerely hope this happens. Downtown Lansing is getting so much nicer lately with new apartment buildings going up, and a brand Market just opened called Capital City Market. I LOVE shopping there. You have to try it.
If you would like to donate to the campaign for the lighting Downtown head here.

UP NEXT: The Ultimate Michigan Winter To-Do List
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