Coast Guardsman re-ups in the Straits of Mackinac – on the ice
The Coast Guard spends a lot of time on the Great Lakes - so why not do your re-enlistment ceremonies on one of the lakes. And by that I mean - while you're standing on one of the lakes.
According to MLive.com, that's what happened when boatswain's mate Jacob Northup re-enlisted for another four years, while standing, on the ice, in front of the U.S. Coast Guard cutter Hollyhock this week. Since the Hollyhock has been clearing shipping lanes in the Straits of Mackinac, I'm assuming that's where it happened. Which is nice, 'cuz that means he could then walk over to Mackinac Island for a couple of beers to celebrate. (I don't know if that's what he did - that's just what I would do)
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