Christopher Walken Puts On A Pre-Prom Dance CLINIC
What can a guy who plays quirky, sometimes strange, sometimes evil characters in the movies teach all of us guys about dancing? In my opinion...plenty.
I didn't know this until I did some research, but he actually trained as a dancer early in his career. I also found out he was up for the role of Han Solo in the original "Star Wars" movies. They must have decided to go without any Darth Vader and Han Solo dance numbers.
So, join me now for 4 minutes and 46 seconds of Christopher Walken dancing in 50 movies, from the past 40 years.
If you're a high school kid going off to prom for the first time, watch and learn.
The lesson here? Just be a little different and act like you know what you're doing. And wear a hat.
Banana Don and Stephanie McCoy amuse and thrill you every morning from 5:30 – 10AM on the radio at 100.7 WITL.
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