Banana Don’s Conspiracy Central: download the JFK files – solve the case
Today, 25 years after President Bush signed the order making today the most anticipated day in conspiracy history - the national archives will release 3000 files related to the JFK assassination. If you spend WAY too much time watching History Channel (like me), this is your day. But where do you start? Even if you're not presently a conspiracy expert, I've put together a starter kit. You're welcome.
First, here's a primer from
Here's an article, from the Guardian, about a U.S. government cover-up.
Here's the National Archives website, where you can download the files.
Read these, become an expert and discuss.
(By the way - the actual presidential limo JFK rode in that day is on display at the Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn. I have a JFK refrigerator magnet from the museum. No - seriously, I do.)
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