A Good, Simple Explanation of the Flint Water Crisis
I've had friends on Facebook, who don't live in Michigan, asking whether we're close enough here to be affected by the water problem they're having in Flint. Then they want to know what happened to cause the problem. That's where I was a little fuzzy. (The line "didn't have a clue" would probably be more accurate) All I knew is that it had something to do with river water and bad pipes.
So, I did some investigating and I found a simple explanation, in an article from Time.
With three simple GIFs. Because pictures always make it easier.
Banana Don and Stephanie McCoy amuse and thrill you every weekday morning from 5:30 – 10AM on the radio at 100.7 WITL.
Banana Don can be reached via email at don.jefferson@townsquaremedia.com and on Twitter at @WITLBananaDon and @WITLFM. Also, Facebook friend Banana Don and Stephanie at Facebook.com/BananaStephanie and Facebook.com/WITLFM.