You’ll be hanging doors on self-driving cars in Michigan – SOON
CEO of GM, Mary Barra, was at the GM plant in Lake Orion this week to tell employees that GM is now ready to mass-produce self-driving cars. Right now, they're testing the second generation "Bolt" vehicles. The software that will operate the cars is produced by a company GM bought last year called Cruise Automation. GM revealed that Cruise just hired almost 1200 more engineers and associated employees, so things are ramping up. And the other manufacturers are close behind.
According to a short video produced by USA Today, by the year 2030, 95% of driving will be done in self-driving vehicles. My friends who work in the production side of the auto business say this is happening and it's happening faster than anyone originally thought it would.
*Cough* *Cough*. How about the flying cars we were promised?
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