Great. More rules.

According to, the NCAA has now decided that it's football officials can give coaches an instant 15-yard penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct, when a coach goes on the field to protest "or otherwise demonstrate disagreement with an officiating decision." The old rule called for two 5-yard penalties before you could throw the 15-yard penalty.

This is not good news for Michigan's Jim Harbaugh, who is NOT known for internalizing his feelings. And it's not good news for me. If I'm going to watch Michigan play football, I wanna see Harbaugh go nuts when the refs make a bad call.

Has it changed Coach Harbaugh on game days?

Senior defensive tackle Maurice Hurst says, "I still think he is the same for the most part. "I just think he has been a little bit more relaxed and less animated."

"Relaxed and less animated" is NOT the same, Maurice.


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