Michigan has really upped its game when it comes to recycling. But did you know there are certain things that you think you can recycle, when in reality you can't?

Most of us know by now that you can't recycle Styrofoam or the plastic bags that you get from the grocery store. And if you didn't before, now you do.

Read Related: 17 Items Michigan Goodwills Will Not Accept as Donation

But, there are other things that don't belong in the recycling bin...

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There are a few things that seem like you'd be able to recycle them, but the "Recycling Racoon Squad" (yes, you read that right... it's a group of fictional racoons that promote good recycling habits) warns Michiganders that you can't.

Here's what should avoid the recycling bin:

Cash Register Receipts

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You would think that you could just throw these in with the other paper products you recycle, but you'd be wrong. Most receipt paper is printed on thermal paper, which has a chemical called bishenol A (BPA) on it. This chemical can leach into and contaminate the rest of the recycling.

Certain Hard Plastics

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If you're checking to see if a plastic item can be recycled, check for the arrow triangle with the number in the middle of it. If the number is a 1 or a 2, you're good to toss it in your curbside bin. But, plastics with the numbers 3 - 7 may not be accepted at your local recycling facility. Always double-check.

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Certain Paperboards and Paper Cartons

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If the cardboard or boxboard that you're looking to recycle is a tissue box or a cereal box, recycle away! However, certain boxboards, like the ones used for juice and milk cartons, are often made with multiple layers of paper, plastic, and aluminum, making them difficult for facilities to separate and process, and can lead to contamination.

Read Related: It's Illegal to Throw Away These 9 Things in Michigan

17 Items Michigan Goodwills Will Not Accept as Donation

Spring cleaning is on the way, which means you'll be going through the house and bagging up items you no longer want or need. Before you immediately head to the nearest Goodwill, you'll want to see if they'll actually accept that donation. Check out what Michigan Goodwills will not accept as donation.

Gallery Credit: Kristen Matthews

15 Reasons Why Spring Is Genuinely Michigan's Worst Season

What's great about Michigan is that it actually gets to experience all four seasons in the year. But just because we have all four seasons doesn't mean that we have to like them all. Case and point; Spring is the absolute worst season in Michigan. Don't get me wrong, there are definitely some redeeming factors like the fact that plant life starts to bloom again and that we finally start to see warmer weather after a frigid winter. But that doesn't change the fact that spring is the worst season in Michigan, and we have the receipts to prove it. Take a look at the list below for 15 reasons why spring is just the worst.

Gallery Credit: Kristen Matthews

10 Spring Cleaning Chores Only Midwesterners Have To Do

Midwest winters sure give us a lot of extra things to do when the weather warms up. Here are some things you won't want to forget in your spring cleaning endeavors.

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