If you've ever fished or boated or taken a swim in - or just stood on a beach looking out over Lake Michigan or Lake Superior, according to BridgeMI.com, you can thank something called the "Great Lakes Compact" for the fact that you'll probably be able to do that for the foreseeable future. In simple terms, the Great Lakes Compact prevents other states and Canadian provinces from draining the Great Lakes so everybody in Asia can get a drink of water or we end up watering all of America. (Yeah, I know - that would take a long time, but people have thought about doing both)

It's a long article, but it's answers the question, "Why haven't people just hooked a hose up to Lake Michigan to take care of droughts further south?"

And yes - I'm still mostly a redneck, but when I was a little kid, we lived in California - so this must be the tree-hugging-hippy part of me coming out.

So, when you get a few minutes, or you're in a doctor's office and the magazines all suck - here's the article.


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