The Silver Fox Passes Away – Dominated Michigan NASCAR Races
NASCAR Hall of Famer David Pearson, "The Silver Fox", who dominated the early days of NASCAR at Michigan International Speedway, passed away yesterday at the the age of 83.
According to ESPN, Richard Petty released a statement last night about Pearson's passing, saying, "I have always been asked who my toughest competitor in my career was. The answer has always been David Pearson." Petty then went on to say, "He pushed me just as much as I pushed him on the track. We both became better for it."
Old timers at M.I.S. will tell you he was the best in his time - a fact backed up by the stats. During the first ten years that Michigan International Speedway was in operation, Pearson won 10 out of the first 19 NASCAR races they ran. Including 7 out of 9 from 1972 through 1976. The guy who won the other two? Richard Petty.
Pearson, who drove for the Wood Brothers, was the overall NASCAR champion in 1966, 68 and 69.
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